ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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Assembly Source File
417 lines
; Rectangle Drawing Routine
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume CS:_TEXT
; rect(left,top,right,bottom,pattern,globalPatt,mode)
; Function: Draw a rectangle consisting of the bits (left,top) up to but
; not including (right,bottom), filling the rectangle with the pattern
; pointed to by pattern; if globalPatt is true, lock the pattern to a
; global reference otherwise start it at (left,top). mode specifies which
; type of operation to use to combine the new and old dots: 0 for copy,
; 1 for exclusive-or, 2 for bit-set (or), and 3 for bit-clear.
; Algorithm: First, clip the rectangle to the display. Second, figure out
; the start and end words and word masks. Third, rotate the pattern as
; needed. Fourth, branch to and perform the appropriate type of copying.
; Finally, restore the saved registers and exit.
public _rect ; Routine is available to other modules
; Parameters:
left = 4 ; Offset from BP to parameter left
top = 6 ; Offset to parameter top
right = 8 ; Offset to right
bottom = 10 ; Offset to bottom
pattern = 12 ; Offset to pattern
globPatt = 14 ; Offset to globPatt
mode = 16 ; Offset to mode
; Local variables:
lStrt = 2 ; Offset from BP to lStrt local variable
lEnd = 4 ; Offset to lEnd local variable
lSMask = 6 ; Offset to lSMask
lEMask = 8 ; Offset to lEMask
lCnt = 10 ; Offset to lCnt
pattCnt = 12 ; Offset to pattCnt
clipLeft = 14 ; Offset to clipLeft
clipTop = 16 ; Offset to clipTop
clipRight = 18 ; Offset to clipRight
clipBottom = 20 ; Offset to clipBottom
pattRot = 52 ; Offset to pattRot
_rect proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP; to allow access to parameters
; and local variables
sub sp,52 ; Allocate space on the stack for loca vars
push di ; Save the DI register
push si ; Save SI register
push es ; Save ES register
mov ax,0B800H ; Set ES to the base of the graphics display
mov es,ax
; Clip left to produce clipLeft:
mov ax,[bp+left] ; AX = left
cmp ax,640 ; Is AX >= 640 (i.e., off screen right)?
jge getOut1 ; If yes, there's nothing to do -- exit
or ax,ax ; Is AX < 0 (i.e., off screen left)?
jns clip1 ; If no, leave it alone
xor ax,ax ; If yes, set it to zero
clip1: mov [bp-clipLeft],ax ; Set clipLeft
; Clip top to produce clipTop:
mov ax,[bp+top] ; AX = top
cmp ax,200 ; Is AX >= 200 (i.e., off screen bottom)?
jge getOut1 ; If yes, there's nothing to do, so exit
or ax,ax ; Is AX < 0 (i.e., off screen top)?
jns clip2 ; If no, leave it alone
xor ax,ax ; If yes, set it to zero
clip2: mov [bp-clipTop],ax ; Set clipTop
; Clip right to produce clipRight:
mov ax,[bp+right] ; AX = right
or ax,ax ; Is AX < 0 (i.e., off screen left)?
js getOut1 ; If yes, there's nothing to do, so just exit
cmp ax,640 ; Is AX > 640 (i.e., off screen right)?
jle clip3 ; If no, leave it alone
mov ax,640 ; If yes, set it to 640
clip3: mov [bp-clipRight],ax ; Set clipRight
; Clip bottom to produce clipBottom:
mov ax,[bp+bottom] ; AX = bottom
or ax,ax ; Is AX < 0 (i.e., off screen top)?
jns clip4 ; If no, continue clipping
getOut1: jmp getOut ; If yes, there's nothing to do -- exit
clip4: cmp ax,200 ; Is AX > 200 (i.e., off screen bottom)?
jle clip5 ; If no, leave it alone
mov ax,200 ; If yes, set it to 200
clip5: mov [bp-clipBottom],ax ; Set clipBottom
; Compute lCnt:
sub ax,[bp-clipTop] ; AX = clipBottom - clipTop
jz getOut1 ; If lCnt is zero, exit (nothing to do)
js getOut1 ; If lCnt is negative, also exit
mov [bp-lCnt],ax ; Set lCnt
; Compute lSMask:
mov cl,[bp-clipLeft]; CL = clipLeft & 15 (i.e., bottom 4 bits)
and cl,15
xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
shr ax,cl ; Shift AX right according to CL
mov bl,ah ; BX = AX byte-reversed
mov bh,al
mov [bp-lSMask],bx ; lSMask = BX
; Compute lEMask:
mov cl,[bp-clipRight] ; CL = clipRight & 15 (bottom 4 bits)
and cl,15
xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
shr ax,cl ; Shift AX right according to CL
not ax
mov bl,ah ; BX = AX byte-reversed
mov bh,al
mov [bp-lEMask],bx ; lEMask = BX
; Compute pattCnt (assuming globalPatt is FALSE):
mov ax,[bp-clipTop] ; AX = clipTop - top
sub ax,[bp+top]
shl ax,1 ; AX = 2 * AX
mov [bp-pattCnt],ax ; pattCnt = AX
; Transfer pattern to pattRot, rotated as specified by globalPatt (and, if
; globalPatt is TRUE, replace pattCnt with a recomputed value):
mov ch,16 ; CH = 16 (number of words to transfer)
mov bl,[bp+left] ; BL = left & 15 (bottom four bits)
and bl,15
mov ax,[bp+globPatt]; Is globalPatt TRUE?
or ax,ax
jz locPat ; If not, branch
mov ax,[bp-clipTop] ; If yes, recompute pattCnt = 2 * clipTop
shl ax,1
mov [bp-pattCnt],ax
xor bl,bl ; And set BL = 0
locPat: mov si,[bp+pattern] ; SI = pattern
lea di,[bp-pattRot] ; DI = pattRot
xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF (used when pattern == 0)
not ax
nxtPat: or si,si ; Is SI (from pattern) == 0?
jz rotIt ; If yes, use the FFFF already in AX
lods word ptr [si] ; Otherwise, AX = *SI++
rotIt: mov cl,bl ; Rotate the pattern according to BL
ror ax,cl
mov dl,ah ; DX = AX byte-reversed
mov dh,al
mov [di],dx ; *DI = DX
inc di ; DI++
inc di
dec ch ; CH--
jnz nxtPat ; If more pattern left, go back and do it again
; Compute the initial lStrt:
mov ax,[bp-clipTop] ; AX = clipTop
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
shr ax,1 ; AX = AX/2, with the bottom bit going to CF
mov cl,14 ; Shift CL into BX
rcl bx,cl
mov cl,80 ; AX = 80 * AX (multiple by # of columns)
mul cl
add ax,bx ; Add in the bit in BX
mov bx,[bp-clipLeft]; BX = clipLeft
mov cl,3 ; BX = BX/8 (convert from bits to bytes)
shr bx,cl
and bx,0FFFEH ; Convert to word address (clear bottom bit)
add bx,ax ; BX += AX
mov [bp-lStrt],bx ; lStrt = BX
; Compute the initial lEnd:
mov bx,[bp-clipRight]; BX = clipRight
mov cl,3 ; BX = BX/8 (convert to word)
shr bx,cl
and bx,0FFFEH ; Convert to word address (clear bottom bit)
add ax,bx ; AX += BX (AX had column offset from above)
mov [bp-lEnd],ax ; lEnd = AX
; Set up for processing:
mov di,[bp-lStrt] ; DI = lStrt
mov si,[bp-lEnd] ; SI = lEnd
; Switch on mode:
mov ax,[bp+mode] ; AX = mode
dec ax ; AX == 0 (COPY)?
jns tryXor ; If not, go try XOR
; Do COPY mode:
cpNxt: push di ; Save DI (line start)
mov di,[bp-pattCnt] ; DI = pattCnt
and di,31 ; DI &= 31 (get bottom five bits)
mov bx,[bp-pattRot+di] ; BX = pattRot[DI] (the pattern word)
inc di ; DI++
inc di ; DI++
mov [bp-pattCnt],di ; pattCnt = DI
pop di ; Restore line start DI
mov ax,[bp-lSMask] ; AX = lSMask
cmp di,si ; Line start == line end?
je cpLast ; If yes, go process it as one word
mov dx,ax ; If not, copy line start mask to DX
not ax ; Complement start mask in AX
and ax,es:[di] ; AX &= *DI (old word with new bits cleared)
and dx,bx ; DX &= BX (new word, with old bits cleared)
or ax,dx ; AX |= DX (combine new and old)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
mov cx,si ; CX = (SI-DI)/2 (converted from byte to word)
sub cx,di
shr cx,1
jz cpLast2 ; If CX == 0 (SI and DI in same word), branch
mov ax,bx ; AX = BX (the pattern)
rep stos word ptr es:[di] ; Block move the words between the 1st & last
cpLast2: xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
cpLast: and ax,[bp-lEMask] ; AX &= lEMask (AX is now mask of last word)
mov dx,ax ; Copy mask to DX
not ax ; Complement mask in AX
and ax,es:[di] ; AX &= *DI (AX = old word with new bits clear)
and dx,bx ; DX &= BX (DX = new word with old bits clear)
or ax,dx ; AX |= DX (combine the two)
mov es:[di],ax ; *DI = AX (put the processed word back)
; Increment line start and line end pointers to next line:
mov di,[bp-lStrt] ; DI = lStrt
xor si,2000H ; Toggle even/odd line bit in SI and DI
xor di,2000H
mov ax,di ; DI & 0x2000?
and ax,2000H
jnz cpOdd ; If yes (odd), don't add in 80
add si,80 ; If no (even), add 80 to the start and end
add di,80
cpOdd: mov [bp-lStrt],di ; lStrt = DI
dec word ptr [bp-lCnt] ; lCnt--
jnz cpNxt ; If we're not done, go back a do another line
jmp getOut ; Otherwise, exit
; Try exclusive-or:
tryXor: dec ax ; Exclusive-or mode?
jns tryBst ; If not, go try bit set
xrNxt: push di ; Save DI (line start)
mov di,[bp-pattCnt] ; DI = pattCnt
and di,31 ; DI &= 31 (get bottom five bits)
mov bx,[bp-pattRot+di] ; BX = pattRot[DI] (the pattern word)
inc di ; DI++
inc di ; DI++
mov [bp-pattCnt],di ; pattCnt = DI
pop di ; Restore line start DI
mov ax,[bp-lSMask] ; AX = lSMask
cmp di,si ; Line start == line end?
je xrLast ; If yes, go process it as one word
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
xor ax,es:[di] ; AX ^= *DI (exclusive-or in old word)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
mov cx,si ; CX = (SI-DI)/2 (converted from byte to word)
sub cx,di
shr cx,1
jz xrLast2 ; If CX == 0 (SI and DI in same word), branch
xrLoop: mov ax,es:[di] ; AX = *DI (get next word to process)
xor ax,bx ; AX ^= BX (exclusive-or word with pattern)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
loopnz xrLoop ; Repeat until all word are processed
xrLast2: xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
xrLast: and ax,[bp-lEMask] ; AX &= lEMask (AX is now mask of last word)
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
xor ax,es:[di] ; AX ^= *DI (exclusive-or word into AX)
mov es:[di],ax ; *DI = AX (put the processed word back)
; Increment line start and line end pointers to next line:
mov di,[bp-lStrt] ; DI = lStrt
xor si,2000H ; Toggle even/odd line bit in SI and DI
xor di,2000H
mov ax,di ; DI & 0x2000?
and ax,2000H
jnz xrOdd ; If yes (odd), don't add in 80
add si,80 ; If no (even), add 80 to the start and end
add di,80
xrOdd: mov [bp-lStrt],di ; lStrt = DI
dec word ptr [bp-lCnt] ; lCnt--
jnz xrNxt ; If we're not done, go back a do another line
jmp getOut ; Otherwise, exit
; Try bit set:
tryBst: dec ax ; Bit set mode?
jns tryBcl ; If not, go try bit clear
; Do BIT SET mode:
bsNxt: push di ; Save DI (line start)
mov di,[bp-pattCnt] ; DI = pattCnt
and di,31 ; DI &= 31 (get bottom five bits)
mov bx,[bp-pattRot+di] ; BX = pattRot[DI] (the pattern word)
inc di ; DI++
inc di ; DI++
mov [bp-pattCnt],di ; pattCnt = DI
pop di ; Restore line start DI
mov ax,[bp-lSMask] ; AX = lSMask
cmp di,si ; Line start == line end?
je bsLast ; If yes, go process it as one word
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
or ax,es:[di] ; AX |= *DI (or in old word)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
mov cx,si ; CX = (SI-DI)/2 (converted from byte to word)
sub cx,di
shr cx,1
jz bsLast2 ; If CX == 0 (SI and DI in same word), branch
bsLoop: mov ax,es:[di] ; AX = *DI (get next word to process)
or ax,bx ; AX |= BX (or word with pattern)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
loopnz bsLoop ; Repeat until all word are processed
bsLast2: xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
bsLast: and ax,[bp-lEMask] ; AX &= lEMask (AX is now mask of last word)
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
xor ax,es:[di] ; AX ^= *DI (exclusive-or word into AX)
mov es:[di],ax ; *DI = AX (put the processed word back)
; Increment line start and line end pointers to next line:
mov di,[bp-lStrt] ; DI = lStrt
xor si,2000H ; Toggle even/odd line bit in SI and DI
xor di,2000H
mov ax,di ; DI & 0x2000?
and ax,2000H
jnz bsOdd ; If yes (odd), don't add in 80
add si,80 ; If no (even), add 80 to the start and end
add di,80
bsOdd: mov [bp-lStrt],di ; lStrt = DI
dec word ptr [bp-lCnt] ; lCnt--
jnz bsNxt ; If we're not done, go back a do another line
jmp getOut ; Otherwise, exit
; Try bit clear:
tryBcl: dec ax ; Bit clear mode?
jns tryBcl ; If not, exit (not a legal mode)
; Do BIT CLEAR mode:
bcNxt: push di ; Save DI (line start)
mov di,[bp-pattCnt] ; DI = pattCnt
and di,31 ; DI &= 31 (get bottom five bits)
mov bx,[bp-pattRot+di] ; BX = pattRot[DI] (the pattern word)
inc di ; DI++
inc di ; DI++
mov [bp-pattCnt],di ; pattCnt = DI
pop di ; Restore line start DI
mov ax,[bp-lSMask] ; AX = lSMask
cmp di,si ; Line start == line end?
je bcLast ; If yes, go process it as one word
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
not ax ; AX = ~AX (prepare to clear bits)
and ax,es:[di] ; AX &= *DI (clear bits in old word)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
mov cx,si ; CX = (SI-DI)/2 (converted from byte to word)
sub cx,di
shr cx,1
jz bcLast2 ; If CX == 0 (SI and DI in same word), branch
bcLoop: mov ax,bx ; AX = BX (make a copy of the pattern)
not ax ; AX = ~AX (prepare to clear bits)
and ax,es:[di] ; AX &= *DI (clear bits in next word)
stos word ptr es:[di]; *DI++ = AX (store processed word)
loopnz bcLoop ; Repeat until all word are processed
bcLast2: xor ax,ax ; AX = FFFF
not ax
bcLast: and ax,[bp-lEMask] ; AX &= lEMask (AX is now mask of last word)
and ax,bx ; AX &= BX (clip pattern to mask into AX)
xor ax,es:[di] ; AX ^= *DI (exclusive-or word into AX)
mov es:[di],ax ; *DI = AX (put the processed word back)
; Increment line start and line end pointers to next line:
mov di,[bp-lStrt] ; DI = lStrt
xor si,2000H ; Toggle even/odd line bit in SI and DI
xor di,2000H
mov ax,di ; DI & 0x2000?
and ax,2000H
jnz bcOdd ; If yes (odd), don't add in 80
add si,80 ; If no (even), add 80 to the start and end
add di,80
bcOdd: mov [bp-lStrt],di ; lStrt = DI
dec word ptr [bp-lCnt] ; lCnt--
jnz bcNxt ; If we're not done, go back a do another line
jmp getOut ; Otherwise, exit
; Save registers and return:
getOut: pop es ; Restore the ES register
pop si ; Restore the SI register
pop di ; Restore the DI register
mov sp,bp ; Free the local variable stack space
pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_rect endp ; End of subroutine
_TEXT ends ; End of code segment
end ; End of assembly code